Sunday, December 03, 2006

We all used to be noobs at one point, but it doesn't change the fact that now we generally frown down on them and don't speak to them as eagerly as we would to someone who is primmed up and hot. Yea it's fucked up and I'm often guilty of the same. I blame the nubie guys, who don't even have a cock attachment yet, constantly coming up to me and asking for some bang. But that aside, I met THE COOLEST noob today. His name is Alias and he is a hobo. Here's how it happened: I was merrily shopping in this very nice store called Sophies (where I found some really nice things and AMAZING shoes) and in the new "I <3 Old Gravy" tag. Then someone says "I like old gravy too, and old fact everythign is better aged". So I turn around to see this guy in stained pants on a rusty old bike, a fly circling aroudn him while he holds a giant bottle of booze, his toes sticking out of his ripped old boots and a pair of cracked glasses on his nose. This guy's a genuis, he rides around SL and peopel feel bad that he's a hobo and they give him money and free stuff. I gave him 100 $L and he said it was a waste because he'd just spend it on booze anyway.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Oh, and being the kind old boozer society-strain that he is he gave me the bike he was on. It was rusty and smelled like pee so i cleaned and remodeled it to my liking.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(the bikini and shoes are from Artilleri, the hair is Dark Chyld from Old Gravy <3)>Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Anonymous said...

I still love it!

Erin said...

Ah, I love it. Even better with a story behind it. So much love sexy girlie. <3

Anonymous said...

Hi this Cutekimmi. I love your pictures. They are so HOT!!!!!! Comment me!! Bye!!!

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